Prevention and utilization of Invasive Alien Species – PURE project final seminar is coming

Prevention and utilization of Invasive Alien Species – PURE project is ending, and the final seminar will be organized online on  5th April 2023 at 9.00-12.00.

”Prevention and utilization of Invasive Alien Species – PURE” Project has been focusing on awareness rising events about the environmental impacts and prevention methods of Invasive Alien Plants, such as Hogweed, Himaylayan balsam and Lupine in South-Savo region. The target groups have been schoolchildren, students and local communities. The Project has also carried out research activities and studied the possible utilization of Hogweed. As the completion of project is approaching, the project will organize a webinar about the results of the project activities.

You can register the final seminar via link latest 31st March 2023.