Programming Committee continued work for 2021-2027 period

Fourth meeting of the Programming Committee (PC) was organized on-line on 22 April 2021. On the table for joint discussions were the list of preliminary initiatives of large infrastructure projects, options for simplified cost options, concept and focus of functional area tool, and the contents of the identified Specific Objectives. In addition, the meeting was informed of the Strategic Environmental Assessment, which is carried out for the whole Programme Area (see the map below) and it received an overview and proposal for the Communication Strategy. The Programming Committee recorded information of the latest progress over the finalizing of the legislative EU framework for the future Programme and official set of papers are estimated by the fall 2021. Also, the dialog on the Financial Agreement is started.  

Steps to define future Programme’s financial envelope will still take a moment, and once confirmed, it shall consist of the share of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), share of Neighbourgood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) as well as the national co-funding from Finland and Russia. By today, Finland as a European Union Member State, has defined ERDF allocation for 2021-2027 Interreg Programmes in Finland. In case of South-East Finland – Russia Programme, it shall be EUR 24,0 million. (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland press release TEM/18.3.2021

The Committee will meet still once before the summer holiday breaks to continue well-proceeding programming. The material supporting the decision-making on the objectives is made available at Programming material.  

Programme area CBC 2021-2027