Innovative Natural Solutions of Shungite & EM –technology for Water Purification

Project developed a new chemical free purification system for urban runoff waters. The three main step in the concept are 1) mechanical separation, 2) sorption of urban pollutants, and 3) biological cultivation unit for biodiversity support in recipient water body.

The system applied shungite (SH) mineral and effective micro-organisms (EM). The overall objective of the project was to maintain and preserve freshwater reservoirs, which was addressed by developing the methodology that can be implemented into conveyance systems existing in cities.

Improvement in water quality in various water elements (constructed wetlands, parks, canals, and their recipients) improves the wellbeing of citizens and attracts tourists with cleaner environment. The activities covered material studies to optimize shungite rock grade, filtration studies and design and piloting of filtration system. The prototypes were verified in field test: 2 sites in Lappeenranta, and 4 sites in St. Petersburg. As an outcome the project presents novel concept for innovative runoff water purification systems that is based on natural materials and aiming to be implemented as part of existing natural based solutions. The solutions and results have been assessed for economic, technological, social, and environmental feasibility, and concluded as a highly promising novel concept in an extensive work report.

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