KS1877 ImProfEdu

Improving professional education based on the needs of the labor market in Finland and Russia by using innovative methods and new technology

The aim of the ImProfEdu project was to improve vocational training with the help of digital technologies, focusing on the needs of the Russian ja Finnish labour market. Key measures include the tourism and service sector, hair and beauty and interior design, and customer service units, which include a study platform for developing skills and competencies when working in a multicultural company in Finland or abroad. The open platform with learning materials, virtual workshops and webinars will be implemented in Finnish, English and Russian.

Enhanced cooperation between businesses and vocational training in both countries is also an important performance target. Developing a new digital learning environment that brings together part of the degree to facilitate working in a multicultural work environment. Work-based learning has become more efficient and work-based learning has increased. The international skills of the staff are improving. Companies get employees who are trained, skilled and motivated to meet their future needs.

Despite the big challenges, we were able to complete a study unit that can also be used as part of students’ learning in the future. The materials from ImProfEdu-platform were moved, edited and organised into Itslearning-mode, that is in wide use in Ekami and in Eduko for teaching and studying purposes. This work was extensive and time-consuming, but we gained a lot of material that we can continue to use in our teaching and students can also use it independently. Each member of the project worked on material for a common learning platform, held virtual learning sessions and participated expert lectures. Study trips and workshops deepened what was learned. The ImProfEdu -project made all this possible.

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