KS1608 Road Maintenance Business

Business and SME development for the Road Maintenance in the Leningrad Region as a tool to foster competitiveness, improve traffic safety and promote environmentally friendly methods in rural areas

The main objective of the project Road Maintenance Business was to improve the organization of maintenance business on the roads of the Leningrad region in Russia. In the framework of the project, a new methodology for road maintenance was created.

Recommendations of the organization of procurement, technical regulations for the operation of roads and a list of necessary equipment were prepared as well as proposals of relevant resolutions of the Leningrad Region government were developed. In addition, equipment for the automated meteorological monitoring system was purchased and installed at several sites in Leningrad region. New available weather data will help, among other things, in assessing the quality of road maintenance work on regional roads through year. Project increased also the competence of road maintenance experts of Leningrad region with seminars that were provided by Finnish and Russian road experts.

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